Chloe Sharman-Moss - Union President

- Continue work on the PAT System-Staff should know YOU
- Make it clear about how University decisions are made
- Create a Housing Hub with lots of support for students
- Prioritise Student Accessibility and Wellbeing
- Create links between local council/business based on student priorities
Why vote for Chloe?
Hi! My name is Chloe and I am a third year Education and Psychology student. I have been Education School president for the last two years and am involved in other roles within the university, such as a peer leader and student ambassador.
In these roles, I strive to ensure that every student loves their time at Southampton. I represent students within high level meetings, bringing up issues that students have faced whilst also giving examples of best practice.
My key manifesto points are:
- Continue work on the PAT system.
I believe that every student should have a staff member that knows and cares about them. I want PATs to be aware of any additional needs you have and your wider circumstances, whilst also being aware of societies you are in and roles you have. One of my main priorities is student wellbeing and I want you to feel that you can turn to your PAT when things get tough. The Student Hub is great, but sometimes a friendly staff member is what you need to get those original worries out before you seek support elsewhere. I have had students express concerns about their PAT not knowing them enough to give them a good reference. I will advocate for all students to have PATs that know enough about them to give them a great reference that entails more than just grades and attendance.
- Make it clear and accessible about how key decisions in the University that effect YOU are made.
I want you to be able to find out how students were consulted on projects, what their feedback was and most importantly how it was acted upon. This includes big projects such as North-East Quadrant (Burgess Road/ Broadlands Road building), new residences and the academic year calendar.
- Create a SUSU Housing Hub that includes all things housing:
-An online course with key tips and things you should know
-Guide of what to look out for when house hunting
-Drop ins (especially for first years who may not yet be acquainted with the area)
-Templates of emails to send to landlords/ companies
-Contract & Student housing rights support
-Options for students with disabilities
- Prioritise student accessibility and wellbeing
-Ensure that facilities that are labelled ‘accessible’ are actually accessible and have the facilities needed
-Consider accessibility at forefront of projects, not as an afterthought
-Work with staff to help them understand SSRs and how to implement them
-Encourage staff to take part in First Aid for Mental Health
-Advocate for students who may be taking a pause in study due to mental health
- Ensure strong links with the council and local businesses
-Represent students with transport related concerns (Portswood bus gate, Unilink buses, parking)
-Introduce the idea to the council of a park and ride in Southampton
-Look at how we can support students with cost of buses
-Work with the Police on student priorities, such as safety at night and bike & car theft/ break ins.
Questions & Answers
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This question was also asked to Lucy Othen, Zeeshan Hussain, Emma Brown, Jenna Moffitt
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This question was also asked to Lucy Othen, Zeeshan Hussain, Emma Brown, Jenna Moffitt
Chloe has not answered this question yet
This question was also asked to Lucy Othen, Zeeshan Hussain, Emma Brown, Jenna Moffitt
Chloe has not answered this question yet
This question was also asked to Lucy Othen, Zeeshan Hussain, Emma Brown, Jenna Moffitt
Chloe has not answered this question yet
This question was also asked to Zeeshan Hussain, Emma Brown, Jenna Moffitt
Chloe has not answered this question yet
This question was only asked to Chloe