Zeeshan Hussain - Union President

- Improved student communication between students and the university
- Mental health support
- Cheaper food/Cost of living support
- More funding for clubs and societies
- Greater academic support
Why vote for Zeeshan?
As a candidate running for SUSU president, I am committed to making a real change to student life by addressing issues that matter the most to you. I believe university should be an enriching environment for all and thus I am dedicated to making sure each student feels valued and heard. If elected, I will ensure there is a focus on improvements in all areas of student life from increased communication to welfare, financial support, greater funding for societies and academic support, thus helping to ensure a greater sense of community.
One goal of mine is to both hear students and act upon their voices. I will work to ensure there is a greater sense of communication between students and the university, as often students feel ignored in the decision-making process, despite this directly impacting their education. I will make sure your concerns are heard and met with action, whilst additionally pushing for greater student representation with accessible platforms to help voice issues.
Mental health and wellbeing are a significant concern for students and thus I will advocate for greater mental health resources across campus, such as more counselling services, regular wellbeing campaigns and hubs across campus along with 24/7 support options, Similarly, I will promote an open and supportive environment through ensuring the university themselves supports students.
I will work on initiatives to provide financial support for students in need such as an expansion upon hardship funds and a push for affordable accommodation options. To add to this, I will create greater food options across campus, making food options more affordable for students.
I am passionate about ensuring all aspects of university life are covered as university is also about exploring yourself as a person and building new friendships. I will push for greater funding for clubs and societies to ensure they can thrive and have sufficient resources. Similarly, I will push for greater support in organising events to make it easier for students to participate. No matter what interests are, whether that range from sports to academic societies, I am here to help you succeed and to have a positive student experience.
Finally, every student deserves the best learning experience and thus if elected, I will advocate for greater study spaces, greater access to academic resources and more transparency regarding assessments with more in-depth feedback delivered in a timely manner. I will work towards ensuring each student feels they hold a positive academic relationship with the university by which they are able to access academic support. This in turn can help to reduce stress and pressure upon students.
If elected, I will be a president for you, one who will listen and act. So, take a stand, vote Zeeshan.
Questions & Answers
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This question was also asked to Lucy Othen, Emma Brown, Chloe Sharman-Moss, Jenna Moffitt
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This question was also asked to Lucy Othen, Emma Brown, Chloe Sharman-Moss, Jenna Moffitt
Zeeshan has not answered this question yet
This question was also asked to Lucy Othen, Emma Brown, Chloe Sharman-Moss, Jenna Moffitt
Zeeshan has not answered this question yet
This question was also asked to Lucy Othen, Emma Brown, Chloe Sharman-Moss, Jenna Moffitt
Zeeshan has not answered this question yet
This question was also asked to Emma Brown, Chloe Sharman-Moss, Jenna Moffitt