Courtenay Bolt - Vice President Communities

Photo of Courtenay Bolt
  • Be a voice for all communities no matter their size.
  • Support societies so they are able to run long-term
  • Promote an inclusive student community
  • Make SUSU Societies and communities more accessible to new members
  • Put on events to showcase our communities and societies

Why vote for Courtenay?

I am running for VP Communities because I believe that all students should be made to feel included, valued, and supported within their societies and communities. Having sat on several society committees, I have experienced firsthand the problems they face, from securing funds to member recruitment and retention. I understand how hard it is to keep a society going and would like to see them have the resources to grow, not just during my time as a sabbatical officer, but into the future as well. My goal is to provide a space where any society or community, no matter the size, has equal say and resources to flourish.

One of my priorities is to make societies more accessible to students, particularly newcomers who may feel intimidated by the size of our societies. I remember feeling anxious myself when I first started at the university, and I want to ensure that all students feel welcomed and supported from the moment they join our community. Whether it’s by encouraging and helping societies to provide fresher programs or creating opportunities for students to find their communities in smaller settings, I will work to make joining a society an accessible and enjoyable experience.

Supporting societies also means giving them the platform and opportunities to thrive. I want to showcase the incredible work our societies and student-led communities do and give them the recognition they deserve, by organizing more collaborative events that highlight their talents and contributions. This could be through making sure all societies can host the events they wish to, putting on campus-wide and inter-society events, or increasing promotional activity.

Beyond the societies themselves, I am committed to ensuring students’ voices are represented within the University and the Student Union. Too often, decisions that impact students are made without sufficient student input. I will push for greater advocacy and accountability, to make sure students are always at the forefront of these discussions. By gathering regular feedback from students and working closely with the course and society representatives, I will fight for policies and changes that reflect the student’s needs.

If I were to get elected, I would do my best to create a student community that is inclusive, accessible and filled with equal opportunities for everyone. I am ready to campaign for better facilities and resources for communities and societies, improved communication and transparency between the student union and its members, and more promotion of the work our societies do each year.

I pride myself on being an approachable and dedicated individual who genuinely wants to improve the student experience. I understand the challenges communities within the student union face, and I am ready to take action to support them. I understand that a student’s time at university is about more than just studying - it’s about building connections and friendships, discovering new interests, and feeling part of a greater community. I want to give every student the opportunity to make the most of their time here.

Questions & Answers

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This question was also asked to Diya Johar, Anran 'Vivian' Du, Syd Rogers, Ge 'Sparkle' Gao, Mihailo Milic, Oliver Sangsari

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This question was also asked to Diya Johar, Anran 'Vivian' Du, Syd Rogers, Ge 'Sparkle' Gao, Oliver Sangsari

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This question was also asked to Diya Johar, Anran 'Vivian' Du, Syd Rogers, Ge 'Sparkle' Gao, Oliver Sangsari