Manav 'Manav' Kathpalia - Medicine Faculty Officer

Photo of Manav Kathpalia
  • Have a strong connection between faculty and the students
  • Provide a safe place for any concerns
  • Helping the year reps and work with medsoc president
  • Personally have a lot of experience with leadership rolls
  • To have a successful year

Why vote for Manav?


My name is Manav, I am currently a third year medical student as well as the current president of Indian Society Southampton. I have worked very closely with SUSU in my previous rolls of comittee. I am a dedicated medical student, with a firm voice and believe I will be able to advocate well for my peers. I will make sure to organise meetings within the medsoc leadership rolls to make sure all concerns are raised so we can work on improving the faculty of medicine and standard of our subject. This will include working on pre-placement years and their support system as well as the mentorship program for placement years. I believe I will be a great faculty officer and make sure the connection between faculty and the students is stronger.