Bhavishya 'Bhav Gem ' Gem

Candidate for Geography and Environmental Science School President

Photo of Bhavishya Gem

Key Points

  • Strong Leader
  • I'm driven
  • I'm approachable
  • I'm organised
  • Good collaborative worker

Why vote for Bhavishya Gem?

Having been a course representative for the past 2 years I have enjoyed providing feedback to staff and my peers about the course and I would love to be the new department president.

If I were to be elected I would like to introduce some regular drop-in sessions with the course reps so that they can discuss anything urgent without having to wait for an SSLC, for example if there is an issue with upcoming deadlines. I would also like to work more with the course committees, as they may also have feedback which may benefit the department as a whole. Moreover, I would like to introduce a discussion board (like on blackboard) on the SharePoint so that students can ask questions or raise concerns more easily.

Having met with the external examiners a couple times, I have been able to develop my communication skills and I therefore believe that I would be good at having discussions with program leaders about any points that are raised. As I have attended SSLCs before, I understand how they work which is why I think I would be capable of co-chairing the meetings.

Overall, I would love to be the school president for the next upcoming year. I think I would be great for this role as I am approachable and I believe that I have been a successful course representative and will therefore be a successful president.