Dongin Kim - International Officer

Photo of Dongin Kim
  • Extensive communication skills from being an academic course rep
  • Supporting and representing all international students
  • Connecting international student societies and the university
  • Make activities and events more inclusive to everyone
  • Ensure international students feel respected throughout the uni life

Why vote for Dongin?

Hi, I'm Dongin, a second-year acoustical engineering student from Korea. Being a course representative in my course for two years, I've seen that student opinions can bring positive impacts to the university, and to make it powerful, my role as a course representative was very important. From the experience, I wanted to support and represent the international students and bring positive change to the university and the students union. Here's what I want to achieve:

1. Inclusivity in SUSU events

With an increasing number of international students, SUSU is having more diverse events and activities. However, the events are still weak at representing students who are not taking a major part of the international student group in the university. I felt that these events made those students feel excluded and the events were not inclusive enough. I would like to listen to all international students' voices, suggest to activities officers, and make our events more inclusive and diverse.

2. More academic support

In my first year, I remember that the university provided academic support to international students. I saw a lot of international students struggling with academic writing, and the university had an additional course for academic writing. But not a lot of people knew that this existed, and especially, this only took a limited amount of people which was unfortunate. I would like to increase the amount of academic support to international students and promote it so that more international students can benefit from the extra program.

3. Building a supporting community for international students

Most of the university students find the experience of the life away from home difficult. International students struggle more as this is a whole new country with a very different culture. Some people will get homesick easily, some people get confused because of the cultural difference, and some might feel lonely and tired because of all of these. I would like to build a supporting community for international students and ensure everyone feels respected and happy throughout their university life. The university should be open and supportive to everyone, and people should feel happy and welcome spending their time at the university. 

I would happily commit to work as an international officer, listening to all international students' voices and bringing positive changes to the University Students' Union. Your vote for me will not get wasted and will contribute to building a warming society for every student. I will be your diligent officer, a connector between you and the university, and your voice.