Chloe Sharman-Moss - Education School President

Photo of Chloe Sharman-Moss
  • Continue to ensure the Education school is a welcoming community
  • Continue my work on Mental Health within FSS/ University wide level
  • Ensure Joint honours students are represented at every meeting
  • Continue my work on assessment structure
  • Represent you all at University-wide level

Why vote for Chloe?

Hi, I'm Chloe and I've been the Education School President this year. I've absolutely loved getting to represent you all and I'd be honoured to do it again for another year. As I've done the role already, I know how all the meetings work and have great partnerships with staff members. I've also started work on projects that I'd really like to continue my work on, such as the FSS Mental Health project. I've attended (nearly) all the SSLCs this year, so have a very good understanding of recurring themes, in order to put the right mechanisms in place to reduce the likelihood of the same issues occurring again. Being a Joint honours student myself, I totally understand the difficulties of being part of two faculties and I’ve tried my best this year to create a much better communication process. I’m aware this is far from perfect, so I’d continue to work on this next year to ensure that Joint honours students feel valued in both the Education School and the Psychology School. This year in School Programme Committees, I have repeatedly represented students when looking at assessment restructuring going forward. I understand the stresses that students face when one piece of coursework is 100% and from speaking to fellow students, I understand this is especially something that neurodiverse students and students who have caring responsibilities feel needs to change. Most importantly, it's been great getting to know you all and I'd love to do it all again next year!!