
Candidate for Senator

Photo of Ash

Key Points

  • Experience in Student Representation
  • Transparency
  • Communication
  • Scrutiny and Support of Sabbatical Officers
  • Approachable Point of Contact

Why vote for Ash?

Hi all,

I’m Ash! I am 2nd year Mathematics (MMath) student.  Running for SUSU Senate is both a responsibility and a great privilege.

My experience in student representation spans multiple years, starting in secondary school, throughout Sixth Form and now at university as a committee member of the Maths Society (SUMS). SUSU Senate is the next natural step – I want to do more for more people. I have students’ best interests at heart, I have already lobbied the School of Mathematics to improve accessibility for our students and support multiple tutor groups of 1st Year students through the Buddy Scheme.

As a senator:

  • I will champion transparency; inform students of my work in a clear and accessible way, so that no one is left out of being represented.
  • Work with the Sabbatical Officers to make sure they hold up their manifesto pledges to you! But also make sure they’re not too stressed out!
  • Listen, Listen, Listen! I will work for you, I will make sure all feedback is heard and relayed to the Senate (good and bad!).

Student representation is integral to the workings of the Union and University as a whole. It is us who make change happen.
