
Candidate for Social Sciences Sustainability Officer

Photo of Lily

Key Points

  • I am passionate about community and giving everyone the chance to do good.
  • I feel innovation and imagination are what is needed to reduce our carbon footprint.
  • I want to hear your suggestions on how to make our uni a greener place.
  • I am hardworking and a team-player, with experience in volunteering.
  • I feel sustainability is beneficial to everyone.

Why vote for Lily?

I am passionate about helping people and have lots of experience in volunteering and leadership roles- I want to help people achieve anything they put their mind to and really get the most out of their uni experience. Because let’s face it- we’re all paying a lot to be here, so we want it to be the best we can be. The University of Southampton thrives on innovation, fueled by people who are hardworking, enterprising, free-thinking, and most of all, want to make a positive difference in the world. Now more than ever, sustainability is crucial. I want to be part of a university that cares about the world around us, that reduces, reuses and recycles, that is constantly striving to reduce its carbon footprint, and a university that is open to any and all suggestions on how to be a positive force in the city as a whole.

Our university is full of people from many different walks of life, with different experiences and skillsets, different goals and different ideas on how things can be better. And that’s why I believe sustainability is something everyone can be a part of. As your Sustainability Rep, I promise to be open, inquisitive and willing to listen to your thoughts and your ideas- I want to hear what you’ve got to say. There are no stupid suggestions. I’m a first-year undergrad student so I’ll be the first to admit- I don’t know everything. But I am fascinated by others’ experiences and ideas, and I will do my best to implement what I can, and do everything possible to make the social sciences faculty, the university, and the city of Southampton as a whole, a better, greener place to be. I want to get everyone involved who wants to be, from students to staff to our local community. Positive change comes about when we work together to push the boundaries of what’s possible- and as social sciences students, making a change is what we’re great at.

Inspiration. Community. Sustainability. This is my vision for the University of Southampton and the Social Sciences Faculty, and if any of what I’ve said today is yours, too, vote for me, Lily Vater as your Sustainability Rep at the Autumn Elections 2023. Thank you for listening, and I hope to have the chance to represent you soon.