
Our Students


University Students 


New students each year


Facebook Followers


Instagram Followers


Monthly Website Visitors

Digital Advertising

Advertise your business on our website.

1. Fixed homepage banner

A rotating banner at the bottom of our homepage (Max 4 per week)

Single Advert | 1024px x 576px asset (png or jpeg) & Tracking URL | £100 per week

2. Square Space Advert

A square fixed logo at the bottom of five of the most viewed website pages all year round, showing affiliations/sponsorship/partnership.
(Max of 6)

Single Advert Square asset & Tracking URL (png or jpeg) | £100 per week

3.  Voucher Page

Use an exclusive special offer as a marketing tool. A cheaper weekly option at cost to promote your business through a deal.

Single Advert 300 x 200px, under 200kb in file size (png or jpeg),  1-2 lines blurb about deal & Tracking URL | £250 per month

Banner advert at the bottom of the weekly all student email.

(Max 1 per weekly newsletter to all students)

Single Advert | 606 x 303 px (Landscape) (png or jpeg) & Tracking URL | £500 

Rotating digital screen advert, static image or 15 second moving video clip.

Requires 1080 x 1920px (Portrait) as well as 1920 x 1080px (Landscape) (png or jpeg).

Multiple screens in prime locations on campus with footfall in the thousands each week.

6 portrait screens in prime locations around external and internal areas of the union | £85

More than 15 landscape screens in 6 prime locations on campus | £170

All digital screens | Multiple screens in 7 prime locations on campus with footfall in the thousands each week | £250

Image of mobile showing how to advertise business

Social Media

Our social media channels are a great way to engage with students on their devices and in their everyday life. Over 50% of our total student numbers are signed up to our social media channels and this is a great way to engage with them quickly.

Single post on the SUSU Facebook account. Max 4 adverts per week.

Single Advert | 1200 x 630px (Landscape) (png or jpeg) & 500 characters blurb | £100

Single stories post (24 hours) on the SUSU (Student Led) Instagram account. Max 4 adverts per week. Does not have the swipe up function.

Single Advert | 1080 x 1920px (or 9:16 aspect ratio) (png or jpeg)No additional blurb | £100 

On-Site Advertising

Stalls come with a single table as standard (2 tables for Showcase). 

Some stalls may have power/water available on request. 

Larger power requirements may incur an extra charge. Equipment such as gazebos may incur an extra charge.

Redbrick Standard (Premium outdoor space) | 2m x 2m | £300

Concourse Standard (Indoor space) | 2m x 2m | £250


Daily Trading

A trading stall selling hot food cooked on site using power/water resources from us. (Not for long term marketing use)

Standard Stall – Up to 3m x 3m Space

Food vendors will be at one of our premium locations on campus.

Event Stalls

Space sizing is variable. 

Stalls at events are subject to a charge for 10% of the days takings.


Daily Trading

A market style trading stall selling any consumables or take away products physically present on the day and does not include use of power or water for the day (Not for long term marketing use).

Small Stall: Up to 2m x 2m

Medium Stall: Up to 4m x 2m

Large Stall: Up to 6m x 2m

All trading stalls are on our premium Redbrick outdoor space. Inclement weather may mean you are relocated inside.

Indoor trading Space: Up to 10m x 6m.

Please enquire for a quote.

Event Stalls

Stalls at events are subject to a charge for 10% of the days takings. Prices varible, please quire for a quote.

Daily Trading

A trading stall selling hot food cooked on site using power/water resources from us. (Not for long term marketing use)

Standard Stall – Up to 3m x 3m Space

Food vendors will be at one of our premium locations on campus.

Event Stalls

Space sizing is variable. 

Stalls at events are subject to a charge for 10% of the days takings.


Daily Trading

A market style trading stall selling any consumables or take away products physically present on the day and does not include use of power or water for the day (Not for long term marketing use).

Small Stall: Up to 2m x 2m

Medium Stall: Up to 4m x 2m

Large Stall: Up to 6m x 2m

All trading stalls are on
our premium Redbrick
outdoor space.
Inclement weather
may mean you are
relocated inside. Please enquire for a quote.

Above Deck Takeover

Indoor Space for exclusive trade event | £200

Event Stalls

Stalls at events are subject to a charge for 10% of the days takings. Prices varible, please quire for a quote.

Our Freshers Fair provides the perfect opportunity to interact and engage
face-to-face with students when they first arrive at University. With an estimated footfall of 6,000 students, it really is the perfect opportunity to make a lasting impression and develop long-term brand awareness.

  • Stalls at our Freshers fair event come with a single table as standard (2 tables for Showcase).
  • Some stalls may have power/water available by advance request.
  • Larger power requirements may incur an extra charge.
  • Equipment such as gazebos may incur an extra charge.
Location Size Price Space
Redbrick Standard 2m x 2m £1,000 (External) Premium Spaces
Redbrick Showcase 5m x 2m £1,850 (External) Premium Spaces
Garden Court Trading Stall 2m x 2m £150 + 10% surcharge for sales for the day (Internal) Trading Area
Jubilee Sports Hall Standard 2m x 2m £750 (Internal) Main Hall
Team Southampton Sports Hall 2m x 2m £750 (Internal) Main Hall
Jubilee Sports Hall Showcase 5m x 2m £1200 (Internal) Main Hall

Get in touch

For information about our full (all year round) rates card, please contact us.

Our typical turnaround time is 10 days. If you require urgent assistance, please contact us by phone at 023 8059 5209