
Advice Centre Blog – 26/06/2024

Nicola White – Adviser

Appeals – FAQ’s and wellbeing


Just received your results back and unsure whether you can appeal? You have come to the right place! In today’s blog I will give you an overview to the appeals process and answer some of the most asked questions when it comes to appeals.

It’s important to note that academic appeals are not a means to challenge academic judgement or to simply request a grade change. They are an opportunity for you to alert the university to difficult or new circumstances or failures in process.

Our most asked questions are:

  1. I am unhappy with the marks I received; can I appeal?

Unfortunately, you cannot appeal on the grounds that you are dissatisfied with your results, nor appeal to obtain a higher award classification due to marginally missing the required mark.

  1. When can I appeal?

You must submit your notice to appeal form as soon as possible but within 10 working days or, in the case of pre-sessional results and supplementary examinations, 5 working days of the date a ratified decision is communicated to you.

  1. Where can I find the appeal form?

The ‘Notice to appeal’ form can be found in appendix A of the University Regulations, found here: Regulations Governing Academic Appeals by Students.

  1. Will an appeal impact my graduation?

The timescales involved are very tight, and it is rare for appeals to be fully resolved ahead of the degree ceremonies. Therefore, if your appeal is regarding your degree classification, the university recommends you attend your ceremony. You should note that this will not affect the consideration of your appeal. If your appeal is subsequently upheld and results in a change to your degree classification, you will be issued with an updated transcript and certificate. Should you wish to attend another degree ceremony, you will be permitted to do so. We would encourage you to contact the Graduation Team on: graduation@soton.ac.uk.

  1. Where can I receive support?

The Advice Centre is here to support you with your academic appeal. We will be running daily webinars from Thursday 27th June. We also have video guides, online guides and answers to frequently asked questions which we can share with you. The Student Hub’s Wellbeing Team are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via their online chat or phone: 02380 599 599. Contact The Student Hub and find out more about their support here: The Student Hub.

You can also visit their team in person in the following locations:

Building 37 on Highfield Campus (Monday – Sunday, 08:00 – 20:00)

Building 65 on Avenue Campus at the main reception (Monday – Friday, 08:00 – 20:00)

Building 63F on Winchester Campus at the main reception (Monday – Friday, 08:00 – 20:00)

Sir James Matthews Building (Building 135) (Monday – Friday, 08:00 – 20:00)


We are running appeal webinars which we will invite you to attend along with other students (these are hold online via MS Teams). You will then have chance to listen to one of our advisors and ask any questions. Our advisors are trained in appeals and can direct you with the process, the Notice to Appeal form and everything else that comes with appeals! To book onto one of our webinars please do contact us using the contact information provided below. For most students, you have 10 working days from the day you received your ratified results in order to appeal. For further clarification please look at our Appeals Hub homepage.

If you have any questions, big or small please do not hesitate in contacting us. We can answer most questions when it comes to appeals, and if we aren’t sure, we will signpost you in the right direction for you to hopefully receive your answers. Here are our contact details:

Telephone: 023 8059 2085

Email: advice@susu.org

Opening times: Monday – Friday, 09:00 – 17:00

Location: Building 40 Highfield campus, above The Stag’s.

Contact us on advice@susu.org for more information.