
Estranged Students

Michelle Fisher, Student Adviser

Being a student comes with its own set of challenges, but for some, these challenges are compounded by estrangement from their families or caregivers. Estranged students—those who are disconnected from their families due to various reasons such as conflict, abuse, or neglect—face unique difficulties that can affect their academic performance, mental health, and overall well-being.

Many estranged students are left without financial support from their families, making it harder to afford accommodation and other living expenses. Without access to family funds, students may need to rely on part-time jobs, which can add to their stress and negatively impact their studies.

What Support is Available?

Despite the barriers, there is support available for estranged students:

  1. Student Finance: Estranged students can apply to Student Finance to be assessed as independent, removing the need to be financially assessed on their parents’ income.
  2. University Bursaries: The University gives additional financial support to students who have been assessed as estranged by Student Finance.
  3. Accommodation Support: The University provides estranged students with the opportunity to stay in halls for the duration of their course to avoid the need to find a guarantor for private rented housing.
  4. Mental Health Services: There is additional support from the University’s Wellbeing service.

There is named designated support from the University and Students’ Union to help estranged students deal with problems they may face.

The Advice Centre can help support you with resolving any issues with Student Finance as well as signposting to all the help available from the University. Support is not just about financial aid – it’s about creating an environment where estranged students feel heard, seen, and valued. The journey to education may be a difficult one for estranged students, but with the right tools and encouragement, they can break down the barriers and go on to achieve great things.