Conor White, VP Sports
Movember has been in full swing this month, with so many of our students getting involved in ‘Growing a Mo’, 60km Move Challenge, hosting a Mo-ment and a magnitude of other lovely ideas. The reason so many of our students get involved with Movember is due to the great work that they do – raising awareness & tackling men’s mental health issues and suicide prevention. As well as providing funding for prostate and testicular cancer research.
The initiative also goes together with Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month. SUSU have been collaborating with the University to raise awareness for both campaigns, where Lawrence and I have been getting stuck in to ‘Growing a Mo’, as well as creating social media content to highlight the importance of raising awareness for men’s mental health. We have gone around speaking to groups of students at Wide Lane Sports Centre and Highfield Campus, asking students to tell us who their male figure is that inspire them the most and asking male students to compliment their friends on the spot, which was so wholesome! I also worked with the University’s social media team to create a short speech on why you should not be afraid to seek help and prioritise you mental wellbeing.
Our brilliant clubs and societies have also been doing some great things to raise funds for Movember. As it stands, they have currently raised more than £23,385, which is absolutely unreal as we start to come into the last few days of November. To give you an idea of what some of our groups have been up to: Rugby (Men’s) have raised £1,500 and in return their senior committee completed the Southampton Park Run in budgies; Monte Football hosted a 5-a-side football tournament where a number of other clubs got involved with at Wide Lane; and RAG held a 30-hour cycle on Redbrick where groups competed to cycle the furthest distance in 1 hour.
Why should you consider donating to Movember?
- The world loses a man to suicide every minute of every day. Improving overall mental health and helping men build stronger social connections can reduce the risk of suicide.
- In addition to funding critical biomedical research, Movember works with global health partners to break new ground on improving the quality of life for the 11 million men living with prostate cancer.
- Testicular cancer strikes young. Globally, it’s the most common cancer among young men. From medical research to easy-to-use digital resources, they are making leaps and bounds in testicular cancer support.
With just under a week to go until November ends, make sure to keep an eye on our clubs’ and society’s social media profiles, to see what they are up to and get involved! Whilst you are there, make sure to check out Movember’s website and see firsthand all of the work they are doing for men all around the world, and consider donating. Let’s make a difference together!