Rebecca Would, VP Education and Democracy
Hi everyone, I’ve been slightly quieter lately as I’ve taken a rare bit of leave to spend some time in Wales – and catch a cold, oops! Make sure you are keeping well as the term keeps getting busier by drinking water and getting enough sleep.
In the time I have been here, I have run more president training, attended a very successful Ace Mixer for Asexual Awareness Week (thanks to everyone that came for a great evening!) and supported some of our democracy co-creation sessions where students have helped shape how we represent you. We also have our first Student Experience Survey open this year – current big topics are PATs and Cost of Living, so please fill it in so we can improve and lobby for the improvements you want to see!
We also officially have independent Instagram channels, and I am in charge of the SUSU Student Voice Instagram – give it a follow to keep up to date with all things representation, democracy, insight and student voice, and to see who our first Rep of the Month winner will be next week!
Emily Dugdale, VP Activities
I hope you’re all well and keeping warm! Over the last two weeks, I’ve been meeting with more society presidents and continuing to learn about the amazing activities and opportunities that our societies offer. We’ve been filming some TikToks and offering Instagram takeovers to societies as well.
I had a really informative and positive meeting with the team down at the John Hansard Gallery about how we can get students involved in the arts and cultural events they offer at the gallery and throughout the city all year round. I also sat in on the Turner Sims Board, where we discussed the exciting anniversary concert plans and further developments to the space.
The team also met with Councillor Lambert to discuss how the city and SUSU can work together to promote engagement in events and also improve the view of students in the eyes of the general public. This was a really positive meeting and we hope to maintain a close relationship in the future.
I’ve been in talks surrounding an exciting project working with secondary school pupils. I will be giving them tours of the SUSU buildings and giving them a talk on why University isn’t just your degree. My other projects have many moving parts running in the background but I’m excited to share that there will be a Performing Arts opportunity coming soon.
Lottie James, VP Welfare & Community
Hello Everyone! We’ve made it through another fortnight, and what a fortnight it has been! Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who stopped me around campus to wish me a happy birthday – you’re all so kind!! Secondly, a big shout out to everyone (including our LGBTQ+ Officer and LGBTQ+ Society) who made Asexual Awareness Week a success – it feels so good to be represented and see other students represented while walking around the SUSU buildings. We’ve had non-stop campaigns and they’re not slowing down. Thank you to everyone who got involved in our Black History Month campaign and events, and we’ve got Trans Awareness Week and Disability History Month to look forward to now. If you’d like to be involved in campaigns or have an idea for a project, let me know!
The last two weeks have been pretty quiet for me as I work on mapping out my Sabbatical Officer plans for Senate. I’ve been ticking off some promised projects so that always makes me happy. The Gender Expression Fund is ticking along, and we’ve been funding items left, right and centre. I met with the team who look after your halls of residences and the Southampton Sports team with Conor, and we have a couple of mental health-type events up our sleeves. I’m currently working on making our events, including our Election Night Live, more inclusive for students who struggle with loud noises and anxiety. The University is doing a lot of work on making the Report and Support tool better for you, including a mini rebranding and ensuring that it’s clear what the tool is used for. I’m also meeting with Lordana (your International Officer) this week to chat about her plans for the year.
I hope you are all doing well, and if you’re worried about anything, please come and chat to our advisors in The Advice Centre. I will never stop talking about how amazing they are. You can also chat to the Student Hub 24/7, and there’s plenty of academic and careers support available. You’re never alone – reach out if you need us. Don’t forget, I’ll be sharing resources, campaigns, updates and more on the new SUSU Communities Instagram channel. I’ve just hit 200 followers, and I’m buzzing – thank you! That’s all from me though. See you in a fortnight.
Conor White, VP Sports
Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well! Over the past fortnight, I’ve been working on several exciting projects and am thrilled to share some updates with you.
One project I’m particularly excited about involves collaborating with Lottie and the Halls Team to develop new initiatives for students living in halls. Our goal is to create sessions that bring people together and offer more opportunities to be active. I look forward to sharing more details soon and letting you know what to expect!
Last week, I also attended the first BUCS Student Officer Network event, where I had the chance to connect with Sports Sabbatical Officers from across the country. We discussed topics such as using social media to promote sports, fostering a positive culture within the student body, and leveraging data to enhance sports offerings. It was an insightful meeting with many valuable takeaways that I’m eager to bring back to our own sports community.
Looking ahead, today marks the beginning of Men’s Mental Health month and Movember! Lawrence and I will be collaborating with the university to raise awareness and challenge the stigma surrounding men’s mental health. I’ll also be ‘Growing a Mo’ to support Movember, raising awareness and funds for this important cause. Please consider getting involved in the activities our RAG society and clubs have planned throughout the month—let’s make a difference together!
You Make Change Updates
You Make Change update: Thank you as always for your ideas and queries. We look forward to receiving more submissions in the next two weeks!