We hope you’re looking forward to meeting all of our clubs and societies at Bunfight tomorrow! Below is some key information about the event, so make sure to read through it before you arrive.
Where is the entrance to Bunfight?
The entrance to Bunfight can be found around the back of Building 40 on Highfield campus. There will be lots of signs on the day to direct you to the entrance!
Will there be a queue
Yes! We have over 5,000 students attending and a very awkward building. So there may be long queues to enter Bunfight and at different stages throughout the fair. Some of the queuing will be outside and it doesn’t look like the weather is going to be kind so please come prepared for rain.
What time do I need to arrive?
Please arrive at Bunfight for the timeslot you have booked on your ticket. For example, if you have booked 09:00 – 11:00, this is the time you need to enter the fair.
Remember, once you have entered Bunfight you can take as long as you need to talk to all our clubs and societies until the event finishes. You don’t need to complete the whole fair within your timeslot!
Can I change my entry timeslot?
Unfortunately, as tickets for Bunfight are now sold out you are unable to swap your ticket to another time.
What if I miss my time slot?
If you miss your timeslot for any reason, please come and speak to a member of SUSU staff (they will be in a burgundy t-shirt) they will advise whether to join the queue anyway or whether to come back to the open session at 3pm.
If you’re not able to attend on the day you can also view all our clubs and societies on our website and join the ones you like.
What do I need to be able to enter?
Please bring your digital event ticket and your student ID. Your event ticket can be found in your confirmation email, or under your ‘Order History’ at boxoffice.susu.org.
Is there an accessible route for this event?
Yes, a map of the accessible route can be viewed here: Bunfight Accessible Route (PDF).
The accessible entrance is through The Stag’s in Building 40.
My friend hasn’t got a ticket, can they attend with me?
No, unfortunately as tickets are now sold out and the event is at maximum capacity, tickets won’t be available on the door. But please do let your friend know that they will be able to come to the open session at 3pm as tickets aren’t required then.
Have a great time and don’t forget, if you’re not able to attend on the day you can also view all our clubs and societies on our website and join the ones you like, or check out the Sports Taster Sessions to try out different clubs and societies.