
Sabbs Update – 20/09/2024

Lawrence Coomber, Union President

This fortnight, I have continued working on a range of projects. Although in the early stages, these include: a Southampton Student Living Strategy; improving Digital Student ID on the upcoming University SuperApp and a project on improving the experience for Joint Honours students.  

The Southampton Student Living Strategy is something I will be working on to coordinate a joint declaration from the University of Southampton, Solent University, both our Students’ Unions and the City Council on student housing moving towards 2030. This mirrors work done in Nottingham already, and so I am eager and optimistic that this will enable us to have a clear vision and plan to deal with the multitude of issues facing students in private rented accommodation.

Digital ID on the SuperApp will involve working with iSolutions to provide a form of identification that can be used as valid ID for student life while at Southampton. This is an ambitious project, but it aims to alleviate some of the inequality that students without a driving license or passport face when living as a student in Southampton.

The Joint Honours project will be focused on improving cross-faculty cohesion in delivering the student experience, clearer communication to joint honours students and additional activities and events to better create a community atmosphere for those whose studies are split across multiple areas. 

I’m looking forward to welcoming students next week, and hope to see you all at the many events SUSU has planned!

Rebecca Would, VP Education and Democracy

Welcome to all our new students, and welcome back to those returning this year! I am Rebecca, your elected VP for Education and Democracy, back for my second year, and I am so excited to still be here representing your academic interests! 

As always, my updates will have 2 main parts – most importantly what I’m up to with, and most directly for, students and reps to support you having the best uni experience possible, and what I’m doing with the university to represent you at the highest levels in the university. Despite not having many students around over summer, in the last couple of weeks I have written and delivered training for some of your Presidents and Faculty Officers (Find your reps here on the SUSU website); and worked with the representation team to plan Autumn Elections – nominations open next week and anyone can be a course rep, so I look forward to seeing your Autumn Elections nomination! I’ve also been working on some of my big manifesto points, so keep an eye out over term one for some of those, or become a Senator in the elections to question me and the team on our plans! 

I have also been very busy with the university, presenting to several of your staff teams about the best ways to listen, react and respond to student voice on their courses; looking at libraries and student learning environments ahead of the Hartley Library Transformation project and being a key part of the 5 person steering group for the Academic Calendar Review so that the student experience is a top priority throughout. Nothing can or will change for this academic year, but if you have any comments or questions about this or anything else I work on I would strongly recommend you contact me by emailing vpeddem@soton.ac.uk.

I look forward to seeing all of you at our Freshers events over the next couple weeks, in our Autumn Elections and across our campuses over the year!

Emily Dugdale, VP Activities

Hi everybody! We’ve been in post for 3 months now and I’m excited to share with you what I’ve been doing.  

The Sabbs spent July and August doing training sessions and meeting with all the teams from SUSU and the University, to understand how everything works. During this period, I began working with Conor on an exciting university project aimed at helping career progression through academic and extra-curricular activities. The 5 of us also attended the Southern Union Conference with other student unions, which was an informative 3 days spent in sessions learning about everything from nightlife to marketing.  

We’ve been busy preparing for Freshers, and I have been working through grant applications. Behind the scenes, I’ve begun conversations surrounding new performance spaces on campus; I’m looking to reimagine how we use The Cube. 

Most recently, I’ve been meeting with as many society Presidents as possible (I have space for more meetings after Freshers so please do get in touch!) in order to fully understand the exciting things each society offers to the student experience, as well as answering questions and addressing concerns. I’m really looking forward to representing societies this year!

Conor White, VP Sports

I’m Conor, your new VP Sports for this year, and I’m so excited for what’s ahead! It’s been amazing meeting with many of our clubs, through the summer, as we gear up for the new sports season. Rest assured, you’re in great hands with your fresh committees leading the way!

Big news – I’m thrilled to announce that the Wide Lane Bar will officially open its doors for all students on October 9th for the first Wednesday of BUCS! Thanks to everyone who came to the trial events last year. Let’s keep that energy going into term 1 as we turn it into the base for all of our players, spectators and opponents for the year.

Furthermore, I’m excited to bring back SUSU Showdown, the revamped Stags Showdown – and this time, it’s bigger and better! It’s going to happen monthly, featuring not just clubs, but all societies too. The first one will kick off in The Cube on Friday 27th September. The teams will be stepping on to the big stage in a variety of gameshows, ready to settle their rivalries, but only one will emerge as showdown champions. Make sure you don’t miss out and come along!

I am also making strides with our new Sports Executive Committee for 2024/25. I’ve been busy interviewing passionate applicants, who will be able to give direct input for the clubs they will come to represent, on all decisions that directly effects our sports community.

Lastly, the sports team and I have been busy reviewing grant applications from round 1, and you’ll be hearing back soon. But in the meantime, if you have anything you’d like to discuss, please feel free to reach out to me at any time.

Lottie James, VP Wellbeing & Community

Hi everyone! I’m so excited to be representing you this year, and as promised, I have jumped straight into my projects and promises to you! I have been focusing on various areas over the past three months, including identifying how us and the university can better support trans, non-binary and otherwise gender-diverse students, how we can support students transitioning into independent living, launching the Disabilities Network with Ilona (one of our Activities Coordinators), ensuring city safety in both Southampton and Winchester, looking at equity, diversity and inclusion training options for staff, clubs, and societies, planning a men’s mental health campaign with RAG, as well as a project around homesickness and tackling loneliness at the start of university.

I am buzzing to finally share with you all that in July, I was approved funding to set up a Gender Expression Fund that will support all trans, non-binary, and otherwise gender-diverse students with purchasing items that support their gender expression. More information will follow so keep an eye out on social media, on the website, and for posters in the Advice Centre and the SUSU toilets. I have also been advocating for more and improved gender-neutral facilities across all campuses in the University’s Estates Masterplan meetings. Speaking of toilets, I am pleased to share that we will have period product dispensers in most SUSU toilets available for students to use, for free, at the point of need. We are currently planning for both Disability History Month and Black History Month so please do get in touch if you’d like to be involved or have any ideas. Sophia (your LGBTQ+ Officer) and I are also working on two new week campaigns which are the Asexual Awareness Week in late October, and Aromantic Awareness Week in February next semester. 

Behind the scenes, I am working with the University to ensure that students are no longer deadnamed or misgendered and know the complaints procedure if this does sadly happen. Please do check out the University’s latest policy on Inclusion and Respectful Behaviour, and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. The University have been very supportive and actioned the work straight away. I’m also working on more events, such as clothes tailoring and a clothes swap to help everyone with the cost-of-living crisis, an alcohol awareness campaign continuing on from last year, and I am also supporting our Liberation (Student) Officers with their campaigns, including work around BAME queer spaces, pause in study (formerly known as suspensions) support, improved mental health support, and of course, more therapy dogs! Don’t forget that if you’re in need, we have free food hampers, pregnancy tests, and condoms  in the Advice Centre.

As always, you can come and find me in Building 40, or email me at welfare@soton.ac.uk.

You Make Change Updates

You Make Change update: Thank you as always for your ideas and queries. We look forward to receiving more submissions in the next two weeks!