Ash – Student Adviser
Special Consideration for PGR Students
There are times during the academic journey where we must consider special considerations. Before you apply for special considerations, you may find it beneficial to read the regulations governing PGR special considerations to ensure you are clear on exactly what you are looking for.
The regulations for Postgraduate Research (PGR) students may allow for:
- A suspension of candidature;
- An extension to candidature;
- An extension to the deadline for the submission of a Progression Review Report;
- That a Progression Review or a viva voce, is rescheduled;
- An extension to the deadline for the submission of minor or modest amendments to a thesis following a viva voce;
- An extension to the deadline for the submission of a revised thesis following a viva voce; •special consideration to be given to the outcome of an assessment (see regulations for caveats)
- That extenuating circumstances are logged where the situation does not warrant an immediate request for special consideration (further information relating to the circumstances and the period affected may also be required at the time of the later request).
Think carefully about which outcome you are seeking. You may find it beneficial to speak to your supervisor in advance of submitting your request.
For PGR students who commenced their studies after the 1st of August 2016, you will need to submit your special considerations via the PGR Manager. Student’s who commenced their research programme before this date will be required to complete an SC1- Special Considerations Request Form and submit to the Doctoral College.
If you require any additional support with this or want to discuss further, please contact us at advice@susu.org