Since our last Sports Pass update, we have been consulting with captains and presidents from Team Southampton clubs with regards to the most effective way of distributing the funds offered by the University, as a result of our negotiations.
We are happy to announce that there has been a unanimous decision to offer a partial refund to students who have purchased the Sports Pass in Autumn 2023. Eligible students will be contacted via email shortly and will be given the opportunity to apply for a partial refund of the Sports Pass fee.
Furthermore, collaborative discussions between SUSU, club captains & presidents and Southampton Sport are ongoing to develop the fee structure for the Sports Pass over the next three years. We will be sharing details about the outcome of the collaborations with you once final decisions have been made.
In the meantime, if you have any questions or further interest in the subject, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me at
Best wishes,
Marina Stasi
Vice President Sports