
SUSU January Highlights

Here’s what’s been going on at SUSU in the past month:

You Are More Than…

  • 194 students came to see our therapy dogs
  • SUSU gave away over 700 items of free food and drink during exams


  • Over 570 students joined our Chinese students & Scholars Association and Activities Team for our Chinese New Year celebration on the concourse on January 31st

Unilink Update

  • SUSU has been collecting feedback and lobbying the University and Unilink Bus service to adjust time of the WSA buses to align with teaching times
  • They have agreed and times will be adjusted after Easter


  • The Green Sleeve Initiative has led to a 300% increase in the use of reusable cups for takeaway drinks in The Shop
  • Thanks to our partnership with NISA we have been able to donate £250 to Hampshire & IOW Wildlife Trust’s Solent Seagrass Restoration Project

SUSU Advice Centre

  • Has supported 5 students to get reinstated on their course with additional support in place
  • 100% of students who visited the Advice Centre in January found it helpful and felt listened to, with 80% also saying they now felt confident dealing with their situation

Student Representation

  • Leadership have now opened
  • Over 200 fed into a report on assessment that was presented to the university by our VP Education and Democracy, Rebecca
  • Quackademic Weapon (Q.W) arrived at SUSU with around 300 students voting on what to name him
  • Congratulations to Sam Kitson, Second Year ECS Course Rep, who is Rep of the Month!

And in other news…

  • The Autumn Student Experience Survey results show that Club & Society members are more likely to feel they belong at this university and part of a community
  • Sikh Society has been named Society of the Month!
  • Launched as part of Veganuary – The Plant Pot’s Mac & Cheese has become a firm favourite and will be staying as a regular on our menu