
Welfare Sec thoughts on Alcohol Awareness Week

Drinking is a massive part of uni culture, and when done in safe, consensual environments can be lots of fun! However, problems can arise when people are feeling nervous, pressured or unsafe when drinking at socials. Committee members should keep an eye on members, as well as each other, to check everyone is feeling comfortable when drinking to have the best night possible. This can be as simple as keeping tabs on people throughout the night to see how much they’re planning on drinking and if they have any specific boundaries, as well as ensuring drinking games don’t escalate and members know what they’re getting into before playing. The most important thing is to create a non-judgemental, kind environment whereby people are safe drinking, and if they find themselves feeling too drunk, feel comfortable coming to committee members for help without fear of ‘embarrassing’ themselves. 

It’s also important to remember that everyone’s idea of a fun social is different, especially on nights out. Venues with loud music, lots of people and alcoholic drinks can be great for some, but for others can be overstimulating and very stressful. Therefore, picking a versatile venue with some quieter areas, like a rooftop bar or big smoking area, alongside busier areas, like dancefloors, is an easy way to accommodate for everyone’s needs! 

Remember to drink responsibility, within your boundaries, and have fun! 


Welfare Sec – Psychology Society