Following a petition being submitted at the start of the month by a student, which very quickly gained the required 250 signatures, SUSU held an All Student Vote which asked students to vote on whether they thought the University should lower or remove the charge on the Sports Pass. The All Student Vote needed to achieve quoracy of 10% of all students voting in order for SUSU to take forward the mandate and lobby the University.
The All Student Vote was open for 1 week and 3880 students voted, representing 16% of the total student body, with 32% of students in a sports club, and 44% in IM Teams. 98.5% of votes were in favour of the University lowering or removing the charge on the Sports Pass, so we will now be taking the results of the vote to the relevant members University Senior Management and Southampton Sport and lobbying them to act accordingly.
If you have any questions, please contact Marina Stasi, VP Sports: vpsports@soton.ac.uk